Bravewear is the newest brand belonging to the GoEyewear Group portfolio. This is a fashion project inspired by the new generations.
Bravewaear is for those who are not afraid to say what they think. To dreamers, free spirits without cultural prejudices. The strong character of this brand wants to represent the wearer: emancipated, activist, eco-responsible. The Bravewear nation is aware of the importance of building the tomorrow. The new collection with its eccentric shapes and strong colours wants to celebrate the beauty of being diverse and stand outside the box.
The FW21 collection intends to be a “breath of fresh air” in the eyewear market through its innovative design and bold colours.
The main objective of Bravewear’s creation is to inspire people to be themselves and express their style through fun and colourful eyewear.
The brand’s Instagram and Facebook pages are already on air showing its customers the new collection release, photoshoots and affirmations that show the brand’s identity.